The Health Benefits of California Poppy

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The Health Benefits of California Poppy

California Poppy is a medicinal herb and flower that is rich in vitamins A, C, and E as well as minerals such as calcium and magnesium. California poppy contains sedative properties that make it highly beneficial for relieving anxiety, stress, panic attacks, insomnia, hypertension, colic and bedwetting in children. It is also useful for behavioral disorders such as OCD, Bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s, ADD, and ADHD.

California Poppy is good at sharpening cognitive skills such as memory and concentration which makes it a great herb for students and adults alike. California Poppy is known to be a phenomenal natural pain reliever and is a safe alternative to prescription medication. It contains analgesic and antispasmodic properties which is useful in providing relief from acute nerve and muscle related pain. California Poppy is also known to help reduce high fever, rapid pulse, and spasmodic coughs.

California Poppy contains antimicrobial properties which makes it excellent for applying to cuts, wounds, and skin ailments. California poppy powder can be mixed with coconut oil as a natural treatment for the elimination of head lice. California Poppy tea is wonderful to drink before bed to help prepare the body for a full and restful night’s sleep. Add 2 tsp of dried herb to 1 cup of boiling water and let steep for at least 10 minutes, sweeten with raw honey and/or lemon if desired.

California Poppy can be found in tea, tincture, extract, capsule, and cream form online or at your local health food store.

By | 2015-12-19T12:27:46-05:00 October 5th, 2014|Food, Herbs & Spices, Natural Health, Natural Remedies|Comments Off on The Health Benefits of California Poppy

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Corey is the Marketing Manager from Organics Live, a sustainable organics food delivery company.