Off the Grid

///Off the Grid

The REAL Reason Bottled Water Has An Expiration Date

That said, storing water for a disaster or emergency should be done in only food grade containers. You can avoid plastics such as HDPE and PET to prevent the leaching of chemicals, but those are, technically “food grade” plastics (according to the FDA – so take that with a grain of salt) and you may not have a way around it.

By | 2018-09-19T07:34:42-04:00 September 20th, 2018|Environment, No SF, Off the Grid, Resyndicated|Comments Off on The REAL Reason Bottled Water Has An Expiration Date

How to Build a Rain Garden Step-by-Step & Why It Helps Protect the Environment

Rain gardens allow homeowners to collect rainwater, put it to good use by growing beautiful plants, ensure that it is conserved in the ground and filtered before it passes into lakes, rivers, and the groundwater. We're going to look at the steps you need to take to create one, but first, make sure your tool shed is in order.

By | 2017-04-17T11:25:21-04:00 April 12th, 2017|Environment, Gardening, Homesteading, No SF, Off the Grid|Comments Off on How to Build a Rain Garden Step-by-Step & Why It Helps Protect the Environment