This Hospital Is Now Dispensing Cannabis Oil To Patients

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This Hospital Is Now Dispensing Cannabis Oil To Patients

Because cannabis is safer than alcohol, and because components of the herb have been proven to remedy a number of ailments, this hospital now dispenses cannabis oil to physician-approved patients.

(True Activist by Amanda Froelich) Because marijuana is safer than alcohol and offers medicinal benefits to those who smoke and/or ingest it, Grand Cayman’s CTMH Doctors Hospital and Cayman Pharmacy group now dispense cannabis oil to physician selected patients. CNS Business reports that the establishment recognizes the medicinal applications of the herb, as studies have proven it benefits not only seizures but cancer, chronic pain, neuropathic pain, arthritis, dementia and other health-related problems. As a result, it is now being dispensed out of a Professional Pharmacy.

The hospital stated:

“These advancements in medicinal cannabis have been proven successful in multiple case studies around the world. These case studies reveal life changing results for patients suffering with many conditions such as chronic pain, neuropathic pain and seizures. As with all medications, care and caution must be exercised to minimise risks and maximise health benefits.”

Dennie Warren Jr. can be credited with ensuring patients in the Cayman Islands can receive cannabis oil as a medicine. Reportedly, he lobbied the government to change the misuse of drugs law and allow for components of cannabis to be used. Now, Warren is running for office in George Town West to call for further legislative changes so marijuana might be cultivated in the area.

Until it is legal to grow and sell marijuana in the Cayman Islands, CTMH Doctors Hospital is importing the medicine through CanniMed Therapeutics Inc., an authorized licensed producer of pharmaceutical grade cannabis oils in Canada, and Caribbean Medical Distributors Ltd CMD.
According to a press release, only a limited supply of oil will be dispensed to a small number physician selected patients. The initial phase will focus on engaging and educating the selection of patients and tracking their progress to help them achieve their desired outcomes and minimize effects.

The hospital also explained that specific cannabis oil product information will be circulated by physicians, and Professional Pharmacy will provide free and confidential patient counseling on prescriptions that are dispensed. Officials stated:

“There will be follow-up phone calls from the pharmacists themselves to closely monitor each patient. The pharmacist will also provide feedback for the physicians and together they will work towards an individually tuned treatment plan. Professional Pharmacy will consider prescriptions for cannabis oil from all licensed prescribers. Patients are encouraged to seek medical advice on this therapy directly from their physicians.”

Over 100 studies now exist proving cannabis oil can cure cancer. Additionally, thousands of anecdotes by individuals who have healed their conditions by either ingesting components of the plant (primarily CBD) or smoking it to reduce anxiety and chronic pain abound. Unfortunately, the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries are lobbying against decriminalizing the plant because its legalization would result in massive profit losses.

If you believe marijuana should be available both recreationally and medically, as the war on drugs is obviously not working, costing taxpayers a substantial amount of money, and ruining the lives of people who desire to rely on nature for their cures, share this article and comment your thoughts below!

By | 2017-05-26T15:19:02-04:00 May 26th, 2017|Business, Cannabis, News, No SF, Resyndicated|Comments Off on This Hospital Is Now Dispensing Cannabis Oil To Patients

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