Farmer Witnesses Disturbing Side Effect After Feeding Pigs GMO Feed

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Farmer Witnesses Disturbing Side Effect After Feeding Pigs GMO Feed

(Natural Blaze) Jerry Rosman used to farm corn and pigs – now he helps other farmers begin a life of organic farming.

That’s because of a disturbing revelation he had after three years of feeding his pigs his genetically engineered corn crops – fresh off their modified cobs.

He was an ardent follower of Big Biotech and got in line to try GM crops in 1997. Time passed and all of a sudden his sows simultaneously experienced reproductive issues.

Come year 2000, his pigs began having “fake pregnancies.”

That is, 80% of his female pigs appeared pregnant, experienced all the symptoms of pregnancy – but when they went into labor they gave birth to sacks of water!

After years of being bullied or having those he talked to get bullied, Rosman found out he wasn’t alone. We’ve said time and again that Monsanto and other chemical/seed companies constantly blame farmers or thrown them under the bus when their products are revealed to cause major problems. They like to say that it’s a problem of crop management – that the farmers are not following instructions especially when it comes to pesticide use.

Related: Understanding and Detoxifying Genetically Modified Foods

Other farmers experienced Rosman’s farming losses but were dismissed by Monsanto et al. Likewise, it appears that employees from Iowa University stationed near Monsanto were silenced because of grants from Monsanto – eerily similar to the plot of the GMO thriller called Consumed – which we highly recommend.

In 2014, we reported that a Danish farmer entered himself into a study to find out what made so many of his piglets deformed and stillborn. The culprit was glyphosate – the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that is used on its crops that are engineered to withstand the herbicide that would otherwise kill the crops.

Recommended: How to Detoxify From Chemotherapy and Repair the Body

Danish farmers’ deformed piglets:

Whereas Rosman lost his pig farm and they never recovered their fertility, the Danish farmer was able to recover his pigs when he switched them back to conventional feed.

Read more background on this story at AltHealth Works.

Check out the long version of this interview on Vimeo.

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This article (Farmer Witnesses Disturbing Side Effect After Feeding Pigs GMO Feed) appeared first at Natural Blaze. It can be reshared with attribution including link to homepage, intact links and this message. Image: Screenshot Vimeo

By | 2017-12-01T04:57:44-05:00 December 1st, 2017|Agriculture, Animal Rights, Environment, Food, No SF, Resyndicated|Comments Off on Farmer Witnesses Disturbing Side Effect After Feeding Pigs GMO Feed

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