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About Us

Call us toll-free at 844-456-2753 

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We are a passionate group of people who care a great deal about our environment and our health.

We started with supplements and body care products and we are adding more products every day. From green cleaning products to solar panels, we plan to make this market a one-stop shop for all of your eco-conscious products.

Our Philosophy

Supplements will not make you healthy without a proper diet. Solar panels alone will not give you a carbon neutral footprint. We know the problems with our health and our environment are not going to be fixed by consumption. We didn’t start Green Lifestyle Market to make a bunch of money selling as much as we can.

And it’s not just about health and environmental concerns. We care about human rights, animal rights, and making the right choices. Doing business the right way, in a positive manner that gives more than it takes, is what we aspire to.

Our Products

We take great care to ensure that our products that we carry are of the utmost quality. Ideally, this means that all of our products are produced in an environmentally conscious manner. With supplements, unfortunately, this just isn’t possible right now. Some of the most effective supplements that help bring people to an amazing level of health are produced by companies that are not concerned with our environment. And the last thing we want to do is deny someone a product that they need to heal themselves.

As we grow, we will be looking to develop our own supplements, and we will constantly be looking for alternative products that are produced in the greenest way possible.

We will take great care to make sure that all of the products we carry live up to the manufacturer claims. We ask our customer’s help with this. While we’ve been in the green game for a long time, we still have a lot to learn, and we want to hear from you. Your comments, reviews, emails, and questions are much appreciated!

Feel free to contact us.

Thank you!


[divider align=”center”] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”7403″ name=”Troy Gray” title=”CEO / Founder” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” email=”#” pinterest=”#” linkedin=”#” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

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[/team_member] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”7403″ name=”Richy Lace” title=”Marketing Director” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” email=”#” pinterest=”#” linkedin=”#” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

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[/team_member] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”7403″ name=”Jane Gray” title=”Public Relations” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” email=”#” pinterest=”#” linkedin=”#” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

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[/team_member] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”7403″ name=”July Wood” title=”Customer Support” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” email=”#” pinterest=”#” linkedin=”#” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

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