The Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are an ideal food for improved energy and brain function. Dates are a good source of vitamin A & B-complex and they are rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese, copper, and potassium. Dates are known to help build bone and muscle strength and have been used for thousands of years by athletes to improve physical endurance, agility, and stamina.

Dates contain anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties which make it an excellent food for those who suffer with chronic infections and auto-immune disorders. Dates also help to control heart rate and blood pressure which offers protection against strokes and coronary heart diseases. Dates contain an easily digestible fiber that has been found to help prevent colon, prostate, lung, endometrial, breast, and pancreatic cancers. Dates are also known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, relieve constipation, improve anemia, and prevent macular degeneration.

There are several varieties of dates including Medjool, Deglet Noor, Zahidi, Honey, Khadrawi, Halawi, and Barhi. Each variety is unique and varies in sweetness, flavor, and texture. For instance, Khadrawi dates are small, very soft, melt-in-your-mouth, and super sweet, while the Deglet Noor dates are firm and chewier with a more rich deep flavor. Medjool dates are one of the most popular dates for there king size and delicious meaty flavor.

Dates can be eaten out of hand as a quick snack and they also combine particularly well with celery sticks and cucumber slices as a balanced, high energy snack. Dates can be blended with a little water and turned into a caramel dipping sauce for apple slices that kids love! Dates are also delicious when added to smoothies and/or salads. They can also be chopped with walnuts, coconut, ginger or other spices and pressed into homemade energy bars and deserts.

Fresh dates can be found online or in the produce section of your local health food store. They can provide a wonderful energy boost and help revitalize the body any time of the day.

The Health Benefits of Honeydew

Honeydew melon is a hydrating fruit that has wonderful nutritional and healing benefits. Honeydew is high in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as copper and silicon. It also contains a highly mineralized distilled water that has the ability to deeply hydrate, rejuvenate, purify, and alkalinize the entire body.

Honeydew is an excellent food to help boost the immune system and help to protect against colds and flu during the winter months. It is also known to help lower blood pressure, strengthen memory and cognitive abilities, aid in weight loss, provide quick repair for muscles and tissues, increase flexibility, reduce risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and prevent age-related macular eye degeneration.

Honeydew is a perfect food for humans in that it requires no digestion in the stomach and passes quickly through the stomach and into the small intestines for digestion and assimilation. This however can only happen if the melon is eaten on an empty stomach which it is why it is highly recommended that melons are eaten alone for breakfast for the ultimate benefits.

Ripe honeydew can be scooped into a blender and blended on high for a minute for a delicious and hydrating drink. This drink can also be placed in popsicle holders and frozen for a kid friendly treat. Ripe honeydews often emit a sweet floral perfume and yield gently to pressure.

The rind of a perfectly ripe honeydew will also start to change in color to a light yellow. This ensures maximum sweetness, flavor, and nutritional benefits.


The Health Benefits of Grapefruits

Grapefruits are an exceptional fruit that have very strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. They are a great source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids which help to boost the immune system and prevent aging, illness, and disease.

Grapefruits are known to help with fevers, fatigue, indigestion, insomnia, diabetes, weight loss, influenza, malaria, urinary tract disorders, constipation, and flatulence. They are also an anti-cancer powerhouse and are particularly beneficial for prostate, breast, colon, and throat cancers. Even though grapefruit is thought to be an acidic fruit, it actually has the opposite reaction once inside the body and makes the body more alkaline which is vital for preventing most other diseases.

They also have the ability to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides. Fresh grapefruit contains three special compounds; Salicylic acid, Naringin, and Galacturonic acid. Salicylic acid has proven to be very valuable in helping to remove or dissolve inorganic calcium that may have formed as deposits in the joints such as with arthritis. Naringin is a flavonoid (antioxidant) that has been shown to promote the elimination of old red blood cells from the body and to bring back hematocrit levels to normal. Galacturonic acid (found only in grapefruit) has the ability to break up and dislodge fatty plaque buildup in the arteries and remove it completely from the body.

Externally, fresh grapefruit is a natural antiseptic and can be used to help disinfect and heal wounds and abrasions. Grapefruit seeds also are a powerful natural medicine. Grapefruit seed extract is extremely effective at killing dozens of bacteria, fungi, yeast, and other harmful organisms.

Grapefruit seed extract is also known to quickly and effectively help heal sore throats, food poisoning, diarrhea, candida infections, and acne. Grapefruits are packed with electrolytes and water making them the perfect food to help replenish and hydrate the body after exercise. For the most health benefits, consume fresh grapefruits. An inexpensive citrus juicer can provide you with fresh grapefruit juice daily. If you find the sweet-tart flavor too intense, water can always be added to dilute the drink and make it a milder juice.

Another option is to use a high speed blender such as a Vitamix and blend a whole grapefruit (peel removed) on high for a minute or two. The seeds & white pith (where so many of the health properties are stored) will pulverize into the juice and provide you with an ultimate health drink, perfect for breakfast or anytime of the day.

As healthy and healing as grapefruits may be, caution should be used if you are taking certain prescription drugs. If you are on any medication, make sure to consult with your physician and/or pharmacist before consuming.


The Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Cucumbers are a highly alkalinizing and hydrating food that are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, silicon, and potassium. Cucumbers are also packed with antioxidants and enzymes such as erepsin which helps to digest proteins and destroy parasites and tapeworms. The high chlorophyll and lignan content in the cucumber skin makes it a great anti-cancer food and can be particularly helpful in reducing the risk of estrogen related cancers such as breast, uterus, prostate, and ovarian cancer. The high fiber content of cucumbers makes it an excellent remedy for constipation by adding bulk and hydration directly to the colon.

Cucumbers are also one of the best natural diuretics around, aiding in the excretion of wastes through the kidneys and helping to dissolve uric acid accumulations such as kidney and bladder stones. Cucumbers have wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits which can significantly benefit autoimmune and neurological disorders. It can also help to diminish swelling and puffiness underneath the eyes when applied externally.

Cucumbers also benefit teeth and gums as the fiber and nutrients help to massage the gums and remove bad bacteria from the teeth. Their high silica content promotes strong and healthy hair and nails which has earned them the reputation for centuries as being a “beautifying” food. Fresh cucumber juice has the ability to cleanse and detox the entire body as well as help to alleviate digestive problems such as gastritis, acidity, heartburn, indigestion, and ulcers.

It is also an ideal way to properly hydrate the body since it is contains beneficial electrolytes that have the ability to bring nutrients and hydration deep into the cells and tissues making it far more effective than water alone. Fresh cucumber juice is also an excellent remedy for bringing down a fever in children and the convalescent.


The Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is an amazing fruit that has over 19 vitamins and minerals that help to boost the immune system, detoxify the organs, and deeply hydrate and alkalinize the body. Since cantaloupe is a pre-digested food, meaning it does not require any digestion in the stomach and can pass straight through to the intestines for assimilation, it is best eaten on an empty stomach alone for breakfast.

The high vitamin C content in cantaloupes is critical for immune system support and to fight bacterial and viral infections. Cantaloupe is also excellent for helping to relieve nerves and calm anxieties. It is known to keep the heartbeat normal and regulated while under stress as well as keep muscles relaxed and free from cramps and hypertension. The rich vitamin A and beta carotene content in cantaloupe helps to lower the risk of cataracts and aids in maintaing healthy eyesight.

Cantaloupe also aids the body in excreting excess sodium which helps to reduce water tension and bloating. After purchasing a cantaloupe, let it sit on your counter until it emits a light floral scent and yields to gentle pressure. Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit that is a wonderful way to start your morning and nourish your body and soul.