Glutathione Detoxification – A Comprehensive Overview

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Glutathione Detoxification – A Comprehensive Overview

Whether or not you know it, there is a good chance that your body is overflowing with bacteria and toxins. Almost everyone has some level of toxins flowing through their body. Many people will believe that they’re not being impacted until it is too late. The only effective way to eliminate these toxins from the body is by performing a detox.

There are many different types of detoxification methods that can be utilized, but the glutathione detox is widely considered to be the most effective. In fact, many experts suggest that the glutathione detox is one of the most effective defenses against toxins and disease.

What Is Glutathione?

First and foremost, you should familiarize yourself with the chemical at the center of the detoxification process. GSH or Glutathione is actually an antioxidant, which is found in plants, fungi, animals, and some specific strains of bacteria. The antioxidant has proven to be very effective for protecting against free radicals, lipid peroxides, and even heavy metals. Glutathione will protect the body’s cellular components, which can be damaged by reactive oxygen species. This is one of the many reasons that the glutathione detox is so enormously effective and beneficial.

A Depleting Resource

Unfortunately, you do not have access to an unlimited amount of glutathione. In fact, glutathione is a depleting resource, which can be diminished by a variety of factors such as taking specific types of medications and failing to consume a sufficient quantity of minerals and vitamins. More importantly, it should be known that glutathione will actually decrease over time.

Finally, you should realize that each person will have a different level of GSH in their body. Your age, gender, diet, activity level, and race can play a role in determining how much GSH you have inside of your body.

What Does Glutathione Do?

Believe it or not, glutathione has a wide array of responsibilities. Nonetheless, the antioxidant’s most important duties are directly linked to the immune system. By maintaining an appropriate amount of glutathione in your body, you will be able to keep your immune system working at optimum levels. In return, this will decrease the frequency of illnesses while simultaneously helping to stave off disease. At the same time, glutathione is known to play a very important role in helping the body detox.

Glutathione will also go to work inside the patient’s liver to make sure toxins can be removed a little bit easier.

Detoxification and Autism

Autism is characterized as a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes repetitive and restrictive behavior. A recent study shows that males are at a higher risk of developing autism than females. However, all children are at risk regardless, but once the child has been diagnosed with the disorder, the parents will need to learn how to deal with it. Humans remove toxins from their body via four different routes: kidneys, lungs, digestive tract and skin.

When the toxins build up inside the child’s body, the child will begin to act out. However, there is a solution to this behavior – routine detoxification. According to Dr. S. Jill James, children who have been diagnosed with autism have impaired methylation, which is how glutathione is made. When the methylation is impaired, the body will not go through the normal detoxification processes.

The impaired methylation is most likely due to glutathione deficiency. When reduced levels of glutathione are detected, the child will be at a higher risk of environmental toxicity from harmful substances such as pesticides, heavy metals and PCBs. Children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have impaired detoxification pathways.

Importance Of Cellular Antioxidants

Cellular antioxidants play a major role in detoxification. When there is a deficiency of these antioxidants noted, the body will fill up with harmful toxins. One of the most important cellular antioxidants that have more prevalence over the others is glutathione or GSH for short. It is crucial that everyone learns about the role glutathione plays in detoxification because its primary responsibility is to prevent the buildup of free radicals in the body.

Glutathione is made up of three different amino acids: glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. Glycine is classified as the “simplest amino acid”, but it is still important because it helps to form glutathione. Cysteine is classified as a sulfur-bearing amino acid. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the human body. The three amino acids work together to combat free radicals, which are linked to chronic illnesses like cancer.

Medical experts refer to glutathione as a “redox molecule”. The redox process is where a molecule undergoes both the oxidation and reduction cycles. During the oxidation cycle, the molecule will release electrons and during the reduction cycle, the molecule will gain electrons. The oxidation state is increased during the oxidation process and decreased during the reduction process. These processes are a little difficult to understand, but they play a huge role is trying to help the body combat free radicals and prevent organ toxicity.

Glutathione and the Human Organs

Body builders, athletes, and professional weightlifters monitor their glutathione levels because they are more aware of its importance than the average person. However, it is crucial that everyone gets on board and starts doing some research on one of the most important cellular antioxidants.

Our bodies contain an abundance of cellular antioxidants that are responsible for protection from toxicity and free radicals. High-energy demand organs utilize a major amount of biological energy or ATP. High-energy demand organs include the heart, liver, kidneys, gut, brain, and lungs. These organs are continuously working, which is why they utilize so much biological energy.

When biological energy is utilized by the mitochondrion, the production of free radicals is inevitable. Free radicals are the end product of this process and if they are not kept in check, the individual will experience organ toxicity. Environmental toxins can be found throughout the entire body. The organs have to work constantly to prevent the toxins from causing damage to the cells and their functions. The cells will utilize glutathione to combat free radicals and if a deficiency is detected, the body will be at a high risk of disease, inflammation, and infection.

Glutathione and other cellular antioxidants are crucial for the detoxification of carcinogens. An example of a dangerous carcinogen is benzene, which can be found in the exhaust produced by automobiles. Other carcinogens include lead, cadmium, and mercury. Everyone is exposed to these chemicals when they venture outdoors, but over exposure will call for a higher demand of glutathione.

Increasing Your Glutathione Levels

If you intend to perform a glutathione detox, you will need to learn how to increase your levels of this incredibly important antioxidant. While it is possible to purchase glutathione supplements, it should be known that these products are not entirely effective on their own. At the same time, the glutathione consumed in your diet might not be enough to help stimulate the detoxification process. If you visit the hospital and need more glutathione, the doctor will actually give you NAC or N-acetylcysteine. This is another amino acid, which can help your body produce more glutathione on its own. Elderly individuals can consume NAC supplements to increase their glutathione levels to the norm.

Ways to Boost Your Body’s Level of Glutathione

Exercise More

It should be no surprise that working out and exercising can be enormously beneficial. Exercise is important for various reasons, with increased glutathione levels being one provided benefit. A recent study examined the impact of cardio, weight training, and a combination of each. It was determined that patients who performed a combination of cardio and weight training, were able to increase their glutathione levels more than others. If you’re interested in performing a glutathione detox, you will definitely want to add a little cardio and weight training to your daily schedule.

Increase Sulfur Intake

There are certain chemicals, which can help the body produce more glutathione. Sulfur just happens to be one of the most notable precursors to glutathione. By increasing your intake of sulfur, you will also be able to increase the amount of glutathione that your body produces. With this in mind, you will want to begin eating foods that are high in sulfur. Onions and garlic are two good choices. By adding one of these foods to your daily intake, you will be able to ensure you’re not suffering from a glutathione deficiency.

Try a Ketogenic Diet

A great deal of research has been conducted regarding the impact of a ketogenic diet. Recently, it was discovered that a ketogenic diet could actually increase the levels of glutathione in rats. It is unknown how this could translate to humans. If you’re interested in switching to a ketogenic diet, you should be prepared to increase your intake of fat while lowing your carbohydrate consumption. A ketogenic diet will offer an abundance of different benefits, including combating cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. More importantly, a ketogenic diet could help your body produce extra glutathione and that can prove to be helpful for inducing a glutathione detoxification.

Increase Diary Intake

If you’re a fan of milk, you will have a very easy time gaining more of the most powerful antioxidant. In fact, you will not need to change anything at all. It has been widely circulated that cow’s milk can help the body produce a greater amount of glutathione. Remember that glutathione is comprised of three amino acids. This includes glycine, glutamate, and cysteine. Unfortunately, cysteine and L-cysteine are often destroyed by the pepsins and enzymes found in the gut. When the cysteine is bonded, it can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.

There are several sources of bonded cysteine. Children who are breastfed will receive more because bonded cysteine can be found in breastmilk. Also, it is possible to obtain a suitable replica in the form of undenatured whey protein from raw cow’s milk. Pasturized milk will not offer the benefits.

Benefits Of A Glutathione Detox

So, why would anyone be interested in performing a glutathione detox anyway? The truth of the matter is that there are an abundance of reasons. Performing any type of detox can be a great way to remove harmful toxins from the body. However, by incorporating the glutathione antioxidant, you will receive even more benefits.

Protects From Free Radicals

First and foremost, you should realize that glutathione is an antioxidant and is capable of fighting off free radicals. By increasing your body’s glutathione content, you will be able to stop free radicals from damaging your cells and making you sick. Without a sufficient amount of glutathione, the body would not be able to protect itself from infections and diseases.

Fights Liver Cancer

While you’re at it, you should realize that glutathione usually works inside of the liver. It plays an important role in detoxing the life and protecting it from disease. Recent animal studies have proven that glutathione can help fight off liver cancer. At the same time, this antioxidant may be able to help cancer patients, who are undergoing chemotherapy. It is also believed that it can help maintain kidney function in patients that are forced to undergo bypass surgery.

Combats The Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease can be devastating and downright debilitating. Today, there are very few effective treatments for Parkinson’s. Nonetheless, it is believed that injecting glutathione intravenously may help alleviate the disease’s symptoms to some degree because Parkinson’s is generally associated with a decrease in the body’s level of dopamine. On the flip side, glutathione is capable of increasing the patient’s sensitivity to dopamine. This can effectively decrease the impact of Parkinson’s.

It is also believed that glutathione can fight off neurotoxins, which may be linked to the disease. While further research is essential, it is safe to say that glutathione may prove to be an effective way to combat Parkinson’s, while also diminishing the disease’s symptoms.

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By | 2017-03-08T14:44:01-05:00 March 1st, 2017|Diet, Natural Health, Natural Remedies, Nutrition & Herbs, SF|Comments Off on Glutathione Detoxification – A Comprehensive Overview

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Bruce Kuster graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Biology and Health Science. He understands how the specific nutrients impact the human body and metabolism. Bruce is also a coach and the primary contributor on concerning sports and nutrition.