

What Is Activated Charcoal Used For?

A 2013 Der Anaesthesist study has also proposed the use of activated charcoal to combat the effects of snake bites, although more studies have to be conducted to truly determine its true efficiency toward this life-threatening health issue.

By | 2018-08-08T05:23:48-04:00 August 9th, 2018|Natural Health, No SF, Resyndicated|Comments Off on What Is Activated Charcoal Used For?

Supplements for BPA and BPS, Heavy Metal Detox, and Other Endocrine Disrupters

Beneficial bacteria strengthen the gut and help break down chemicals like BPA so they can be cleared out. As a bonus, they break down pesticides, another major endocrine-disruptor, and other toxins as well. Probiotics are becoming well known for breaking down endocrine-disruptors and other toxins in the body.

By | 2018-04-29T07:27:49-04:00 April 29th, 2018|Diet, Herbs, Natural Health, Natural Remedies, Nutrition & Herbs, Resyndicated, SF, Supplements|Comments Off on Supplements for BPA and BPS, Heavy Metal Detox, and Other Endocrine Disrupters

How to Detox Heavy Metals to Help End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue

Zinc is another important mineral required for detoxification. Minerals help push out metals, as many metals bind to receptors that would normally be occupied by minerals. When you're deficient, metals can easily take the minerals' rightful place. Zinc helps push out cadmium, a metal that causes more cancers than all of the other metals combined.

By | 2018-04-12T12:41:49-04:00 April 13th, 2018|Natural Health, Natural Remedies, No SF, Resyndicated|Comments Off on How to Detox Heavy Metals to Help End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue

How to Avoid Plastics

You can limit plastic consumption and keep your body in a homeostasis state that detoxifies itself at all times.  And the good news is that with the right diet and a healthy body, BPA and BPS can be flushed out of your system quickly, some say within 24 hours.  A properly working body can process and dispel a lot of toxins. An unhealthy body rids itself of toxins at a slower rate than the toxins are consumed and produced.

By | 2018-04-04T10:36:33-04:00 April 4th, 2018|Environment, Natural Health, Resyndicated, SF|Comments Off on How to Avoid Plastics

Glutathione Detoxification – A Comprehensive Overview

Glutathione will protect the body’s cellular components, which can be damaged by reactive oxygen species. This is one of the many reasons that the glutathione detox is so enormously effective and beneficial.

By | 2017-03-08T14:44:01-05:00 March 1st, 2017|Diet, Natural Health, Natural Remedies, Nutrition & Herbs, SF|Comments Off on Glutathione Detoxification – A Comprehensive Overview