When blood travels to and from various locations in the body, it picks up toxins, slowing down and compromising its nutrient distribution system. An essential part of purifying blood and sustaining healthy circulation, the Organic Solutions Blood Detox Formula contains organic and wildcrafted red clover, chaparral, poke root, periwinkle lower, cayenne, garlic, lobelia, mullein, burdock seed and root, yellow dock root, goldenseal root, Oregon grape root, and bloodroot.
- Red clover reduces blood clots and the buildup of arterial plaque
- Chaparral prevents the growth of tumors, treats arthritis, and cleans the blood
- Poke root possesses antiviral properties, calms inflammation, and purges poison from the body
- Periwinkle flower contains many of the alkaloids used to treat cancer such as leukemia, reduces inorganic calcium buildup, and soothes headaches
- Cayenne is the most effective herb for stimulating blood circulation
- Garlic augments the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and fights bacteria
- Lobelia dilates the bronchial tubes, easing breathing, promoting relaxation and increasing oxygen intake
- Mullein cleanses blood toxins, alleviating congestion in the glands
- Burdock seed and root and yellow dock root eliminate toxins throughout the blood and entire body
- Goldenseal root is antibacterial, anti inflammatory, and has been used to help treat diabetes
- Oregon grape root increases blood platelet count and helps eject waste
- Bloodroot lowers a high pulse, slows down the heart rate, and eases heart palpitations