Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse Formula • 100c


This is the same formula as the Organic Solutions Intestinal Cleanse Formula from Doc Shillington’s recipes. This formula is an essential part of a stomach cleanse that strengthens, cleans, and restores the gut back to its regular work of digesting fuel and expelling waste. Employing organic and wildcrafted herbs like cape aloe leaf, senna leaf, wormwood, and cayenne pepper, this formula calms and improves digestion, returning your intestinal function to effortlessly simple.

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free
  • Made with Organic and Wildcrafted Ingredients

1 in stock (can be backordered)


You do not need to suffer from stomach and bowel problems. With the organic and wildcrafted cape aloe leaf, barberry root, cascara sagrada, garlic bulb, senna leaf, turkey rhubarb, black walnut hull, clove bud, fennel seed, ginger root, wormwood, and cayenne pepper found in Organic Solutions Intestinal Cleanse Formula, restore order and soothe the demands of an unhealthy gut.

  • Barberry root and garlic fight candida, other fungi, and parasites, and stimulate activity in the digestive organs
  • Cascara sagrada detoxifies the colon and can also be used as a laxative
  • Senna leaf softens stool, which reduces pain from hemorrhoids and anal fissures and makes defecation easier
  • Clove buds destroy intestinal parasites and help clean the stomach lining
  • Black walnut hull discourages the growth of toxic organisms in the digestive tract
  • Cape aloe leaf and turkey rhubarb possess antibacterial properties and act as laxatives that remove toxins while leaving good bacteria
  • Cayenne pepper helps regenerate stomach tissue
  • Ginger root soothes bloating and nausea, treats gas and stomach cramps, and aids in regulating digestion
  • Wormwood tones the stomach, keeping it functioning continuously and efficiently
  • Fennel seeds help protect the colon mucus membranes from cancer

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs


<p>Organic and wildcrafted cape aloe leaf, barberry root, cascara sagrada, garlic bulb, senna leaf, turkey rhubarb, black walnut hull, clove bud, fennel seed, ginger root, wormwood, and cayenne pepper</p>

Suggested Use

<p>Always start with capsule of Intestinal Cleanse Formula in the evening, before or after dinner. The next morning you should notice a dramatic difference in your bowel activity, with an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice a significant change on the first morning, increase your evening dosage to two capsules. Continue to increase your dosage by one capsule each night until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. When you reach that point, you have found your personal dosage. Most people need from one to six capsules, but some have needed as many as 30 capsules.</p>


<p>If you are pregnant, do not use this formula without consulting a healthcare professional. If you suffer from colitis; an ulcerated colon; Crohn’s disease; an irritated, aggravated, or inflamed bowel; or experience either 3 to 4 daily bowels movements or diarrhea; do not use Intestinal Cleanse Formula. Use Organic Solutions Intestinal Detox only.  </p>

Country of Manufacture

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