Marijuana Advisor To Sessions Wants To Drug Test Everyone

Drug Test

(Natural Blaze by Heather Callaghan)  “We want [drug screens] to be routine in all medicine…” It’s bad enough in 2018 that the war on drugs still exists in the deluded minds of government higher-ups, just as some states begin to legalize recreational marijuana. And just as they do, Attorney General Jeff Sessions dropped the bomb that the Federal Government ended its leniency toward states’ rights for medical marijuanaThus, we devolve as a nation.

But the biggest blow to Americans was when Sessions’ DEA, although going after marijuana as a dangerous substance – in essence gave a Pharma opioid maker the rights to a partial national monopoly on synthetic THC!

What’s worse, it looks like the War on Drugs has just collided with Mad Medicine. reports:

A top-level advisor to Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants doctors to drug test all their patients, and to force users, they suspect of addiction into rehabilitation against their will. If Robert DuPont gets his way, drug testing could become a required part of your visit to the doctor.

DuPont, 81, is one of a small group of drug-policy “experts” Sessions invited to a closed meeting last month to discuss federal response to marijuana legalization. He is one of the most hardline and influential architects of the Drug War, having started out in the 1970s as a liberal on the drug control issue. But by the 1980s DuPont had taken a hard right turn, popularizing the long-debunked claim that cannabis is a “gateway drug.”

DuPont wants to force people into treatment for up to 5 years.

In an interview last year, DuPont pushed for expanding drug testing. His idea includes having physicians force patients whom they believe to have substance abuse problems to submit to drug tests, or lengthy stays in treatment facilities reportsNewsweek.

“Among other things, he proposed giving doctors the authority to compel suspected substance abusers into treatment against their will,” reportsThe Daily Beast. “Once in treatment, patients could face up to five years of monitoring, including random drug tests.”

“We want [drug screens] to be routine in all medicine,” DuPont said. “Doctors already check for things like cholesterol and blood sugar, why not test for illicit drugs? Right now the public thinks that if we provide treatment the addicts will come and get well … that’s not true. So let’s use the leverage of the criminal justice system.”

It is quite the understatement to say that America has been ejected right off that proverbial slippery slope. Can you imagine anything more invasive when modern medicine and drug laws are already so intrusive?

DuPont doesn’t even want to try treatment but views all drug use as a forbidden crime for which there must be government intervention.

In 2010, he penned a national model bill that “called on cops to test anyone stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence for all controlled substances, and arresting them on the spot if the slightest trace showed up — regardless of the amount. While the bill includes an exemption for drivers with prescriptions, cannabis users would still get busted. Medical-marijuana patients don’t have prescriptions (due to federal law), just doctor recommendations.”

That bill would not only punish legal medical marijuana patients in states which permit its use, but anyone for any substance that is legal to consume – even alcohol or medicine. Any failure of a bodily drug test would constitute possession of the substance!

So with DuPont’s ideas, we could look forward to a nation of forced drug testing, invasive extraction of bodily fluids, zero tolerance of substances including alcohol or cold medicine, instant arrests and federal charges of crimes for any deviation. Bye, bye 4th Amendment.

A few notable things about DuPont:

  • He was the former drug czar to Richard Nixon.
  • Vaguely warned The Washington Post the marijuana would have “horrendous” effects on society.
  • Although serving for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) he later had ties to the drug-testing industry. (source)
  • “In 2000, he appeared before the federal Food and Drug Administration, pushing for expanded hair follicle testing.” ! (source)
  • Yes, it is and would be financially gainful for him to continue opposing friendly cannabis legislation. He was a ” paid consultant and shareholder in Psychemedics, which offered costly hair testing analysis.”

What else can we say? Whereas the state laws allowing cannabis freedom were a breath of fresh air in the midst of a war on freedom – we are heading back to the dinosaurs where the breath of aging, drug-war addled elites whispers into the ear of the Attorney General. President Trump is strangely absent from these conflicts.

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8 Amazing Benefits Of CBD Oil

(Natural Blaze) Marijuana contains two compounds: THC and CBD. The THC compound is well-known for its mind-alerting capacity. CBD is one of the compounds that are found in the plant named cannabinoids. The oils that are derived from cannabis plant are known as the CBD oil, as they have concentrations of CBD. When taking a name of the cannabis plant, many people confuse CBD oil with marijuana; however, they are different.

In the case of the CBD compound, it is not psychoactive. This compound neither changes the state of mind, nor the state of the body. Additionally, CBD can be made from hemp which is different from marijuana.

One study predicts that the cannabis market could grow 700% by 2020. This shows how the use of CBD is growing despite any controversy. Researchers are looking to find the therapeutic uses of the CBD.

Recommended Reading: CBD Oil – A Comprehensive Guide To Cannabidiol

What are some of the health benefits of CBD oil?

There are plenty of potential health benefits of CBD because of its properties. Here are some of the potential health benefits of CBD oil.

  1.    Quitting smoking and drug withdrawals

There are many people who are addicted to smoking, and this is because of the drug called “nicotine” that is found in the cigarette. And, the good news for those who want to quit smoking is that the use of CBD oil can help you quit smoking. There is plenty of evidence that supports it. The study found that the people who used an inhaler containing CBD smoked fewer cigarettes, and they felt no cravings for nicotine.

Another study showed that some of the symptoms that are seen among the people who abuse substance might be reduced with the use of the CBD.

Recommended Reading: CBD Oil is Legal in Certain States and Federally Illegal – Officially Schedule 1
  1.    Pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties

If you are one of the people who is diagnosed with arthritis; you must have searched the information about arthritis before. And, you may also have searched about the arthritis treatment methods. Most of the people use over-the-counter drugs to overcome their pain and stiffness. With the use of CBD oil, you can overcome your pain naturally.

The study shows that the use of CBD can help to reduce inflammation significantly. The researchers are also confident that the use of non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana like CBD may be a new way to treat chronic pain.

  1.    Helps to fight cancer

The CBD compound has an anti-cancer agent. It can help in blocking cancer cells from spreading and invading around an area of the body. This compound can suppress and even promote the death of cancerous cells.

  1.    Treatment of Epilepsy and other mental health disorders

The CBD compound can be used for the treatment of Epilepsy and neuropsychiatric diseases. The study has found that the CBD has similar effects as some specific antipsychotic drugs, which may make it able to treat patients with schizophrenia.

  1.    Anxiety and Depression

The use of the CBD compound could help in the anxiety and depression treatment. Although the people suffering from the chronic anxiety are recommended to stay away from the cannabis plant because of the presence of THC compound, the CBD compound is free of psychoactive properties.

The study has found that the use of the CBD compound may reduce anxiety in conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Another study shows that the CBD compound has anti-depressive impacts in mice.

  1.    Acne

Acne is one of the common problems seen among many people. As inflammation is partly responsible for causing Acne, the anti-inflammatory property of the CBD compound could help in reducing Acne. It lowers the production of sebum that causes acne.

Recommended Reading: Natural Remedies for Acne
  1.    Type 1 diabetes

The study shows that the CBD may ease the inflammation in the pancreas, which helps in the treatment of Type 1 diabetes.

  1.    Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious brain disease that leads a person to lose each bit of his/her memory gradually. According to the study, the use of the CBD compound can prevent the patients in an early stage of Alzheimer from losing the ability to recognize peoples’ faces.


The potential health benefits of CBD oil are amazing, and the health benefits of CBD oil are one of the major reasons behind the huge growth in the cannabis market. Despite all the health benefits of the CBD oil, it’s necessary to be aware of some of the potential risks of using CBD oil at the same time. Some of the common side effects of CBD oil are tiredness, changes in appetite or weight, and diarrhea. It’s recommended to consult a physician before you use the CBD oil.


For the First Time, NFL Acknowledges Benefits of Cannabis, Offers to Study it for Pain

Doping in sports and steroid abuse concept with a american football, a bottle of prescription pills and syringes with green and red liquid on a dark background

(The Free Thought Project) The NFL is finally acknowledging that cannabis has the potential to treat acute and chronic pain. A report out today says that the NFL has sent a letter to the Player’s Association (NFLPA) indicating it is willing to study the use of medical cannabis for pain management.

The NFLPA, apparently quicker to grasp the conclusions of science, is already studying the issue. In Jan. 2017, the National Academies of Science (NAS) released an exhaustive study on the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, with chronic pain treatment being one of the most significant.

Related: Why Chronic Pain is Such a Pain and What You Can Do About It

Players in America’s favorite sport are plagued by pain, often for the rest of their lives, and many have already turned to medical cannabis whether the league allows it or not. Soon after the NAS study, retired football players were telling their stories of lives virtually ruined by pain and the standard drugs given to them such as opioid pills – only to find relief with cannabis.

Now, former NFL players are trying to open medical cannabis dispensaries and extolling the benefits of this medicinal plant. They are on the right side of history, and the NFL may finally be catching up.

Cannabis use remains banned by the league, with players regularly tested and penalized if THC is detected. At the moment, the NFL is still stuck in the Reefer Madness mentality, thinking that because federal government prohibits the plant, then they should as well. But the letter to the NFLPA is an encouraging sign.

We look forward to working with the Players Association on all issues involving the health and safety of our players,” said Joe Lockhart, the NFL’s executive vice president of communications…

The NFL, according to one person with knowledge of the matter, wrote a letter to the union asking if, given the NFLPA’s public comments on the issue this year, it is interested in working together on research. The league’s letter outlined a few areas for potential research that included pain management for both acute and chronic conditions.”
The NFLPA is also seeking to reduce punitive measures for the use of cannabis, which is especially needed now that recreational cannabis is legal in eight states and 26 other states have legalized medical use only.

I do think that issues of addressing it more in a treatment and less punitive measure is appropriate,” said DeMaurice Smith, NFLPA’s executive director. “I think it’s important to look at whether there are addiction issues. And I think it’s important to not simply assume recreation is the reason it’s being used.”

The issue of opioid abuse is another reason why the NFL should adopt a more reasonable approach to medical cannabis. Opiates are routinely handed out to players for acute and chronic pain, making them prone to join the ever-growing ranks of those addicted to these dangerous legal drugs. We know from multiple studies that people are giving up deadly, addictive opioids in favor of cannabis in states where it is legal.

In addition to a safer method of pain management, medical cannabis can help prevent brain damage, which is also pervasive in NFL players. A recent major study found that “a vast majority of the brains of deceased players that were studied showed signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative condition linked to head trauma.”

Related: The Gut-Brain Connection

In response to this, Doctors for Cannabis Regulation is lobbying the NFL to change its irrational rules on cannabis. It should be noted that medical cannabis can be administered with no psychoactive effects.

There is some early data that cannabis does play a role in neuroprotection. This is the kind of science we’ve put in front of the NFL, hoping they would reconsider their antiquated policies,” Dr. Suzanne Sisley told The Chronicle. “The bottom line is that cannabinoids are clearly neuroprotective. We have preclinical data at the receptor level that cannabinoids and cannabis are not only involved with brain repair but neurogenesis, the development of new neural tissue. It’s one of the most exciting discoveries of modern neuroscience.”

The NFL appears to have taken the first step in embracing factual evidence and science. Hopefully this will continue, as other entities such as Big Pharma and the alcohol industry will surely lobby against relaxing the NFL’s current prohibitionist stance.

Legalized Marijuana States See Reduced Traffic Fatalities

One of the first arguments against legalizing marijuana was the concern of motorists driving under the influence. Since marijuana stays in the system so long, there is no simple test like a breathalyzer to catch a driver who is high.

Those familiar with the effects were quick to point out that marijuana users are far less impaired than those under the influence of alcohol, but the naysayers were not convinced. Perhaps the news reported by Reuters will change their minds. It seems the traffic death tolls have fallen in the states that have legalized marijuana.

Two studies have ben completed. The previous study, published in 2013, showed traffic fatalities dropped 8-11% in the first full year after legalization. (This study included 19 states). The latest study shows an 11% drop in average after analyzing data from 1985 through 2014 from 28 states.

They are quick to remind us that correlation does not confirm cause and effect. There could be many explanations. They suggest the possibility that marijuana users are more aware of being impaired (when they are) and might choose not to drive. Perhaps they stay home and get high rather than going to the bars. Maybe the police presence has increased. The point is, they don’t know why. All they know is that the data shows legalizing marijuana for medical use has benefitted the public rather than harming it as many feared it would.

This study does contradict some earlier reports such as a 2014 news release from Colorado stating a 100% increase over 5 years in “marijuana-related traffic deaths”. This claim is derived from comparing 39 traffic deaths in 2007 to 78 traffic deaths in 2012. They claim the drivers tested positive for marijuana. But again, if someone smokes or ingests marijuana it can take up to 40 days to clear the system. So calling these deaths marijuana-related was questionable and obvious fear mongering, especially when the overall traffic death rate fell 14.8% during that period.

Further studies will have to be conducted to determine exactly why the data shows a decrease in fatalities and whether the trend will continue as some states are beginning to show a small rise occurring as time goes by. It will also be interesting to see the results of recreation legalization.

But in the meantime, one can’t help but wonder if at least some of the change is due to a decrease in road rage. Is it possible that marijuana use is mellowing out American drivers?  If an attitude of “don’t worry, be happy” keeps us safe on the road, who’s to say that’s a bad thing?

Recommended Reading:

Does Hillary Clinton Oppose Marijuana Legalization?

Leaked emails show that Hillary Clinton spoke out against legalizing marijuana in a paid speech that was given more than two years ago, and in March 2014, in an email to Ursula Burns, Xerox’s chairman and CEO, Clinton used Wall Street terminology to express her opposition to ending cannabis prohibition.

BURNS: So long means thumbs up, short means thumbs down; or long means I support, short means I don’t. I’m going to start with — I’m going to give you about ten long-shorts.

CLINTON: Even if you could make money on a short, you can’t answer short.

BURNS: You can answer short, but you got to be careful about letting anybody else know that. They will bet against you. So legalization of pot?

CLINTON: Short in all senses of the word.

Other excerpts from the 80-page document published by Wikileaks (hacked from Podesta’s email account), show Clinton admitting that she is “far removed” from the typical struggles of the middle class. She says that politicians should have separate positions on issues in public and in private, a stance her critics have long suspected.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who supports legalization and has introduced legislation to end federal marijuana prohibition, seems to have shifted Hillary’s public position. Clinton has pledged to reschedule marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act if elected, and many doubt this would have happened if it weren’t for Senator Sanders.

While Clinton has made no secret that she’s not ready to endorse full marijuana legalization, she now seems to be taking a wait-and-see approach, watching the results of new legislation in states like Colorado and Washington before she makes up her mind.

These remarks were made two-and-a-half years ago, just two months after legal marijuana sales began in Colorado, so it is not unlikely that Clinton’s personal view of legalization has evolved.

The leaked emails showing such strong opposition, and recent comments from the candidate’s daughter, Chelsea, last month, have cannabis advocates and much of the public concerned.

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and Jill Stein of the Green Party both support ending cannabis prohibition.

To see what else Hillary Clinton has said about cannabis law reform, check out’s comprehensive guide to the candidates.

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