

Can A Home Garden Produce Enough Food To Live On?

Obviously, how much food you need and can grow will depend on a variety of factors, space being just one of them.  You will also need to take into consideration the size of your family and how much food they actually require. A large man will eat quite a bit more than a 5-year-old girl, however, that girl will also grow to consume more.  These are a few factors to keep in mind when beginning to consider self-sufficiency. You should also consider the climate in which you live.

By | 2018-10-12T06:05:22-04:00 October 13th, 2018|Food, Gardening, Homesteading, No SF, Resyndicated|Comments Off on Can A Home Garden Produce Enough Food To Live On?

Amazing Homesteading Ideas to Help You Become More Self-Sufficient

Self-sufficiency has gone mainstream, which means that more and more people are looking for easy and effective ways to produce food and care for their families without having to rely on the system for sustenance.

By | 2015-12-19T01:32:30-05:00 December 17th, 2014|Environment, Food, Gardening, Natural Health, Resyndicated|Comments Off on Amazing Homesteading Ideas to Help You Become More Self-Sufficient