

Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?

Hot dogs are one of America's most popular foods, and the most nutritionally bankrupt foods. Discover how hot dogs are really made, and then see if you can still eat one.

By | 2015-12-19T01:51:18-05:00 September 9th, 2014|Food, Resyndicated|Comments Off on Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?

Beware of Chemicals in Your Feminine Care Products

Most women consider feminine care products to be made in such a way that we can feel comfortable using them on a daily basis. That's not the case. Here's why you’ll want to be cautious about which products you choose in the future.

By | 2015-12-19T01:52:00-05:00 September 3rd, 2014|Natural Health, Resyndicated|Comments Off on Beware of Chemicals in Your Feminine Care Products