Bacillus Subtilis and The Nutritional Benefits of Dirt

(NaturalNews – Dr. David Jockers) For most of the history of mankind, we lived in close contact with the Earth. The majority of our diet consisted of foods and water that had dirt clinging to it. This dirt was not an inert substance but was a dynamic mineral rich, probiotic infused source of electrochemical energy. The unique soil based probiotic bacillus subtilis was one of the key components that gave the dirt its powerful nutritional benefits.

Humans are the only species on the planet that does not intentionally consume dirt. Our ancestors always had dirt in their diet through picking produce out of the ground and drinking from lakes, rivers and streams. Many original doctors and medicine men would use dirt in their various healing concoctions. Today, we intentionally look to sterilize our food and avoid the consumption of dirt.

Bacillus subtilis and our immune system:

Bacillus subtilis is an ubiquitous bacterium that is commonly found in water, soil, air and decomposing plant residue. This bacterium is called a human soil organism (HSO) and has an extraordinary ability to survive harsh environments. It produces an endospore that allows it to endure extreme conditions of heat, dryness, humidity and acidity in the environment.

B subtilis is fully resistant to bile salts and can handle the harsh stomach acid environment which allows it to get into the digestive system and colonize. It has beneficial effects in the digestive system (1, 2, 3). Research has revealed that supplemental B subtilis improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (4).

B subtilis is able to suppress the growth of harmful pathogens, strengthens the mucosal biofilm and enhance the growth of other good probiotic strains such as lactobacillus species in the gut microflora (5, 6).

Soil based organisms and our innate immunity:

As our ancestors were exposed to trillions of organisms every day through their dirt consumption they were strengthening their microbiome and immune system. They were exposed to many different pathogenic organisms to which their immune system learned how to adapt and destroy.

If the pathogenic load was too strong the individual would get sick and sometimes they would die. This was obviously tragic and was a leading cause of death. However, those who didn’t die often had robust immune systems that were well-adapted to the harsh pathogens around them.

Modern technology and improving immunity:

With modern technology we are not exposed to these natural microbes. The use of our technology can reduce the pathogenic load we are exposed too in order to prevent sickness and infectious fatalities, meanwhile, providing the proper stimulation to our immune system.

One such way to gain these benefits is the inclusion of human soil organisms in our natural diet. This would include growing much of our own food in gardens and consuming it right out of the ground with little cleaning. We could also drink water from clean rivers, lakes, springs and streams.

Finally, one can use naturally fermented foods and supplement with probiotics containing HSO’s such as bacillus subtilis. Most probiotics on the market only contain the lactobacillus and bifido bacterium species. These are fantastic for the health of the small and large intestine but some individuals struggle with a sensitivity to these microorganisms.

It is wise to find a probiotic supplement with HSO’s such as bacillus subtilis which is hyposensitive and easy to tolerate for most individuals.

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10 Superfoods for Babies and Toddlers

(NaturalNews – Alex Du Toit) Babies and toddlers do not eat much food because their tummies are tiny. That is why it is important to feed them foods that are packed with nutrients. Superfoods are natural foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants packed with health giving properties. They are easily digestible and keep the body and mind healthy and working great. These 10 superfoods are essential for babies’ and toddlers’ growing bodies:

1. Avocado
Avocados are the best first food for your baby. They are a perfect consistency and they contain an abundance of nutrients including high levels of omega-3s. You can simply slice open an avocado and feed it straight into your little one’s mouth. If you would like a smoother consistency, add a little breast milk or substitute and mash.

2. Beans
Beans are super nutritious. They are very high in antioxidants containing 10 times the amount of antioxidants as oranges. They are high in fiber, which prevents your baby from becoming constipated. They are high in iron, protein and vitamin B. They should be soaked overnight before preparing to decrease cooking time.

3. Blueberries
Blueberries are super nutritious. They are higher in antioxidants than any other fresh fruit and very beneficial to your baby’s brain, urinary and nervous systems as well as their heart and eyes. They are also high in fiber, and vitamins A and C.

4. Coconut
Coconuts contain medium chain fatty acids which have significant health benefits and are similar to the ones found in human breast milk. They help boost the immune system, improve digestion, and balance the blood sugar.

5. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are higher in antioxidants than blueberries and have more calcium than whole milk. They are very high in omega-3s, magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium, and protein.

6. Dark leafy greens
These leafy greens are rich in antioxidants and high in iron and folate. They are a top superfood because they contain large amounts of vitamins C, and K as well as calcium. Vitamin K and calcium are great bone-builders.

7. Eggs (cage-free/organic)
Eggs are full of high quality nutrients for your baby. They contain choline, a B-vitamin that plays an important role in the development and function of the baby’s brain. Eggs are full of protein and omega-3s as well as vitamin D, folate, the antioxidant lutein and many minerals such as zinc, iron, and selenium, a great immune booster.

8. Oats
Oats are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and they are also rich in phytochemicals, vitamin E, zinc, iron, magnesium and selenium. Oats are a good source of protein and a great way to start the morning. Use plain oats and add your own toppings such as nuts, seeds or fruit.

9. Quinoa
Quinoa is a complete protein making it perfect for vegetarian babies, it is high in lysine, an amino acid important for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa has a good amount of fiber and is high in nutrients such as manganese, magnesium and has a very high iron content. Quinoa is a gluten-free grain and is an alternative to whole grain rice in many baby food recipes.

10. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are among the most nutritious vegetables available. They are rich in phyto-nutrients and high in vitamins A and C. They have a naturally sweet flavor and creamy texture making these vegetables appealing to babies and toddlers.

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Exposure to Common Fungicide causes Neurological Problems Across Four Generations

(NaturalNews – L.J. Devon) To better understand mental disorders and neurological problems, scientists are beginning to take a closer look at the study of epigenetics and the endocrine-disrupting chemicals affecting DNA. This kind of study goes beyond just the study of genetics, which looks solely at changes in DNA sequence between generations. Epigenetics investigates the changes in gene expression caused by chemical reactions where certain base pairs in DNA or RNA are “turned off” or “turned on” again. For example, epigenetics looks into the process by which a cell uses genetic code to assemble beneficial proteins. In this field of study, there is a keen eye placed on the environmental reasons why gene expressions change, why DNA can be chemically silenced. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, so prevalent today in consumer and agricultural products, can affect how cells function in the body. By altering hormone levels, these chemicals may change the way a person reacts to stress or anxiety.

Fungicide exposure increases anxiety throughout four generations as gene expression changes

New research from the University of Texas at Austin (UT) and Washington State University shows how a common fungicide used on fruits and vegetables, vinclozolin, disrupts healthy endocrine system function throughout four generations. In the study, provoked female rats experienced increased stress hormones, anxiety and neurological problems, because their great grandparent’s were exposed to the fungicide vinclozolin. Fourth-generation rats became more anxious under stress simply because their great grandparents were exposed to the fungicide. The study showed how the fungicide caused changes in gene expression — not changes in genetic sequence — all the way into the fourth generation.

“These results should concern us all because we have been exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals for decades and we all go through natural challenges in life,” said David Crews, Professor of Zoology and Psychology at UT. “Those challenges are now being perceived differently because of this ancestral exposure to environmental contamination.”

It was the combination of stress during the animal’s adolescence and their ancestral exposure to the fungicide that caused hormonal imbalances and changes in behavior. The female rats showed dramatically higher levels of stress hormone corticosterone, and increased anxiety and nervous behaviors. Interestingly, the effect was only measured in the brains of female rats. The changes in stress hormones are also associated with brain degeneration for both learning and memory into old age.

The effect was witnessed when researchers confined adolescent rats to soft, warm cylinders for six hour a day for three weeks. When the female rat’s brain function, behavior and gene expression were measured in adulthood, the researchers could see how gene expression had changed. The fungicide played a huge role in causing neurological problems throughout four generations!

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals play a huge role in modern day anxiety

In the 21st century, there are more comforts than there were generations ago, yet the emerging population seems to be more discontent than ever before — more stressed, more people taking anxiety pills and more people taking psychoactive medication for depression. Could it be that the rise of neurological dysfunction and depression in the 21st century is due to changes in gene expression caused by endocrine-disrupting chemicals like fungicides?

Why has depression and anxiety increased in an era of comforts? Why were the men and women of generations ago roughing it but were not labeled clinically depressed or anxious? Is modern day anxiety caused by the bombardment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals? 

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Dragon Fruit: The Scaly-Looking Food with Amazing Health Benefits

(NaturalNews – Raw Michelle) With a name like “dragon fruit,” how could one not eat it, or at least be tempted to? The exotic-looking fruit is also known as “pa-ni-ni,” “mood flower” and “strawberry pear,” and the speckled flesh inside its colorful, scaly outer skin has a bevy of health benefits too good to pass up. (1)

Some may turn away because of its scaly, cactus-like appearance, but doing so is only contributing to a growing food waste problem. In fact, the many foods that are discarded by consumers and retailers are ones that are deemed undesirable because of their unusual appearance, or because they are slightly bruised. While many initiatives to help combat this issue exist, such as Fruta Feia, or “Ugly Fruit,” a food cooperative in Portugal dedicated to fighting food waste, the reality is that food waste still remains a problem on a global level.

So, why not try something new? Dragon fruit may have an “edgy” name with an equally bold look to match, but the health benefits it provides are well worth enjoying.

The health benefits of dragon fruit

Weight loss
With a mere 60 calories in one small dragon fruit, it’s ideal for those watching their weight. Furthermore, while it has 14 grams of carbs, they are healthy, unprocessed, nutrient-packed ones that won’t contribute to weight gain.

Reduced risk of illnesses like cancer
Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to help eliminate free radicals. In fact, it has more than three times the amount of vitamin C as carrots. (2) Because cells are protected from damaging stress, the body is better protected from illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.

Better bone, muscle and nerve health
Dragon fruit’s high calcium content has led The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations to refer to the food as one that is of high nutritional value. Foods with good amounts of calcium have been shown to play a role in improving nerve function and keeping bones strong.

Helps fight constipation
The seeds of a dragon fruit have laxative properties, making it an ideal natural alternative when faced with constipation. (2)

Why not enjoy the health benefits of dragon fruit today? It’s typically eaten raw, but many people enjoy them in smoothies or using them in other creative food preparation ways.

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Nearly Half the Children Born in the Last Decade are at Risk of Diabetes

(NaturalNews – PF Louis) According to News Daily, a CDC study has determined that two out five people born between 2000 and 2011 are expected to develop diabetes type 2.

This rate is double what it was two decades ago for men, and it’s a 50 percent increase for women. Currently, 29 million people suffer from mostly diabetes type 2, which is acquired over time largely through too much sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption accelerated by lack of exercise

Obesity, which is often an early entry into diabetes, has soared over the last couple of decades as well. What’s changed the most over the last few decades? The amount of added processed sugars in fast foods, processed foods and beverages that have supplanted real food.

The food processing industry and their paid media shills in print, radio and TV advertising are guilty of foisting bad health and disease on the population. You could call these activities crimes against humanity.

Many of them are victims of their own crimes, with refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup added not only to obvious sweets but also to many other not-so-sweet processed foods as well.

The processed food industry’s dealing with sugar addictions

Some experts claim sugar is addictive as cocaine. So putting more and more in sodas and sweets is conducive for repeat business. And why not add sugar surreptitiously into just about any processed food worthy of attracting repeat customers?

Processed salt is added to sodas to make sure more sugar could be placed into those beverages, making them more addictive. It’s not only obvious sweets like candies, cakes, donuts and sodas that contain large amounts of added sugars.

Other processed foods like breads, fast food French fries, bagels and soups contain added sugars to keep you coming back for more. And those low- or non-fat dairy yogurts and dairy products use added sugar and chemical thickeners to imitate the taste and sensation of the fat that’s been taken out.

The medical myth that fats make you fat was a boon to processed food manufacturers who came up with sugar solutions, just as they have with non-gluten packaged foods now. False evils are replaced with real ones. Healthy fats, even saturated fats, don’t make you fat. But added sugars sure do.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has replaced cane sugars in most sodas and other beverages as well as many other food products. HFCS is sweeter per volume than sugar and is cheaper too. Good for the profit margin. But it’s even worse for one’s health than sugar. HFCS became the new sugar for many products, especially beverages, in the 1970s.

Since then, it has increased exponentially to become the sugar of choice in most sodas and other beverages. By the way, it can also be called “corn syrup” on those labels. Too many have caught on to how bad HFCS is, so that industry is doing what they can to conceal it from consumers and sneak it into their guts to cause a plethora of problems.

The fructose in fruit is not problematic because of fruit’s fiber and other compounds that compensate the fructose, ensuring a metabolic transition that doesn’t harm the liver. Normal processed cane or beet sugar (sucrose) is one part glucose and one part fructose.

So there is some metabolic damage from sucrose with the fructose part, while the glucose is readily metabolized for that energy rush that sugar addicts enjoy. Some sucrose does get stored as fat throughout the body to be used as energy later. But later doesn’t come, as long as one keeps eating processed foods, and the fat remains.

But high-fructose corn syrup is extremely concentrated fructose that goes straight to the liver instead of the gut from where sucrose sugars are taken into the bloodstream to create usable energy. The liver doesn’t know exactly what to do with those sudden surges of fructose, so it gets stored as fat, which can lead to fatty liver disease and eventually cirrhosis and possibly cancer.

HFCS also has less impact on hunger sensations than sucrose, which goes through the digestive tract to create energy and allow a sensation of satisfaction. This way, HFCS leads to eating or drinking more than one can tolerate, raising one’s serum triglyceride levels and making one susceptible to cardiovascular disease.

The process of manufacturing HFCS produces toxins and leaves residues of mercury. The for-profit medical monopoly and Big Pharma should be grateful to the processed food industry for the increased business that it sends them.

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